Categories: Creative, Funny, Interesting
Is it Michelle. Michele, or Michael? No matter how the “Michelle’s” of the world spell or pronounce their names, these 10 things only they would understand.
10. Um, my name is spelled m i c h e l l e.
9. It’s disappointing when my name is pronounced wrong, but from my parents??
8. You will forever be thought of as being named after Michelle Tanner from Full House.
7. Or maybe Michelle Pfeiffer.
6. Seriously, Meesh?
5. Being called by a completely different name, like Melissa.
4. You always introduce yourself as Michelle with 2 “L’s”.
3. And you smile and repeat it so they remember.
2. You may even forget how to spell it yourself and leave off the extra L and maybe an E.
1. But it’s okay, because your name literally means “Who is Like God” and that’s hard to live up to.
But no sweat Michelle, you got this.