Categories: Dogs
Who hasn’t looked at a dog that needed a family and wanted to take them home? For a lot of people, it happens many times – maybe even every day, if you watch a lot of dog videos on the internet. Some people take their time in choosing a new dog to bring home, and others, like these women, act a little bit more…impulsively. Maybe it’s maternal instincts kicking in, but these ladies saw doggos that needed a home and immediately adopted them.
Which is great and all – an animal in need has a home! – but it also means they’ve got some ‘splaining to do…
1. Who could say no to that face?
2. She was just going out for some milk, and then…
3. At least this wife did leave the house to get a pet of some sort
4. She’s just helping out a friend
5. But, but, he’s a purebred!
6. So I was walking down the street, totally NOT looking for a dog…
7. It’s a boy!
8. Price check, adorable puppies, aisle 9.
9. A deal is a deal
Who could be mad at their wife after seeing the joy they brought home? And in some cases that joy comes with a whole bunch of liquor, so any way you look at it, everyone is a winner!