Categories: Animals
Tags: animals, creative, heartwarming, social media

Sheffield, U.K. wildlife photographer Simon Dell was in the garden with his camera when he saw a little mouse face in the grass at his feet. Most people would have shrieked and run, but Dell thought the tiny creature had star power. So he built a little mouse town. Thus, started the teeny reality series, George the Mouse in a Log Pile House.

Dell built this log pile home as a safe place for George.

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Dell likes to bring George treats.

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And other little things to make him happy.

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George feels very cozy in his little village.

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Dell knows George by a tiny cut in his ear and George certainly knows Dell.

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George has a mouse friend there now.

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Dell wanted to keep the mice safe with the mouse-house, but he also wanted a nice set for his photos.

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A few more mice friends have moved in and the house keeps growing with several ways in and out for easy escape.

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One mouse, named Mildred, looks like she may have some buns in the oven which means the house will get even bigger.

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Dell brings them fruits, nuts, seeds, suet and mealworms so they have a natural and healthy diet.

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They love holiday time too.

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Dell has an ulterior motive for befriending George.

He told Bored Panda, ““A better kit and a good lens help but nothing beats learning how to control the camera understand the settings and learn to understand the wildlife you are taking photos of. To help get closer or know where and when to find your subjects.”

Photo Credit: Facebook

George and Dell are fast friends now. Between the cozy cottage, the all-natural food and a few feathers from an old pillow delivered daily, George and his friends are very happy. They don’t look to be moving any time soon.