Categories: Incredible
Tags: australia, giant cow, giant steer, knickers

Okay, to be fair, he’s technically not a cow.

Knickers is actually a Holstein steer. Here he is, in all his glory:

Photo Credit: Twitter

Knickers is a rather old fellow, at 7 years old. He weighs in at just over 3,000 lbs and stands 6’4″ tall.

According to BBC News, his owner, Geoff Peterson, hasn’t been able to sell him because he’s just too big for meat processors to handle.

Lucky for Knickers, instead of being sent to the slaughterhouse, he will be spending his golden years on a feedlot in Myalup, which is 85 miles south of Perth.

Knickers was initially bought to lead other cattle around, a role at which he excels.

But though he’s clearly huge, he doesn’t hold the record for tallest steer. According to The Washington Postthat record is currently held by an Italian steer named Bellino, who stands at 6’7″.

Of course, the internet can’t get enough of Knickers.


Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Ah, Knickers, you’ll always be number one in our hearts!