Categories: Beautiful, Creative, Heartwarming, Incredible, Inspirational, Love, Nature, Unexpected
Tags: cliff, engagement, famous, instagram, love, mountain, nature, park, photo, proposal, twitter, viral

A perfect proposal, especially one in public, is tough to pull off. You’ve got to make sure the weather is just right, it’s not too loud or windy, and there aren’t any random strangers too close to you and your partner.

And if you manage to pull one off in spite of all these factors, you’d be lucky to get a half-decent photo out of it. After all, the last thing you want is a big camera in your face as you’re gearing up to pop the question.

So, when photographer Matthew Dippel snapped off this breathtaking proposal photo, he knew he’d captured a once-in-a-lifetime moment. The only problem was…he didn’t know who they were!

Photo Credit: Twitter: @DippelMatt

It was a matter of random luck and chance that Matthew happened to be on a cliff in Yosemite across from this lovely couple as they shared their big moment. He did what any good photographer would do when they notice a proposal – he started shooting!

Photo Credit: Twitter: @DippelMatt

And what couple wouldn’t want such a beautiful memento? He was determined to find them.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @DippelMatt

He received no shortage of responses, but none of them were the right couple.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @DippelMatt


Photo Credit: Twitter: @DippelMatt

That’s right, he found them.

Both Melissa and Charlie shared the photo on their Instagram accounts, expressing huge amounts of gratitude to Matthew.

Here’s the happy couple a bit closer to the camera.

Congratulations, Melissa and Charlie! We wish you many years of happiness!