Categories: Creative, Cute, Funny, Unexpected
Tags: cats, cuisine, food, food porn, kitties, kitty, photoshop

Who likes scrolling through food posts? How about kitty posts? What about both?!

Russian artist Ksenia of @cats_in_food is not only a lover of the furry friends but of cuisine, as well. Back in January 2018, she took her art to Instagram and has since racked up almost 170K followers!

Ksenia put together the most adorable yet deliciously satisfying array of photoshop food porn. And its pur-fect.

Have a look.

13. Pop-Cat

12. Kitty Whipped Topping

11. Cat Cookies

10. Peek-a-boo Kitty Cake

9. Kitty Soup

8. Candy cat

7. Cat-Scampi

6. Lil Dumplin’

5. Kitty Eclair

4. Grumpy-cake?

3. A Paw-fect treat

2. So berry cute

1. A Grande Low-fat Kitty Mocha-Frappe, please

These are paws-ibly the most purr-fectly blended photos ever! Meow!