Naturally, people are curious about their ancestry. Families have relied on stories passed down from generation to generation to understand who they are and from where they came. Sometimes, a family tree is put down on paper for visual reference. Knowing this history is an important part of a person’s identity.
But since 2000, when home DNA testing kits went on the market, families have the ability to discover who they really are using scientifically sound methods.
Which seems amazing. Until your uncle announces the results and your entire identity, community and everything you thought you knew about family explodes with a nuclear mushroom cloud while millions of voices cried out in terror and then were suddenly silenced.
In other words, your Italian family…ain’t.
Not long ago, Twitter user Christine went home for a weekend visit. During her visit, her uncle announced the result of his DNA test. What happened next is shocking and hilarious all at the same time. Fortunately, Christine live tweeted the event as it unfolded.

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The results appeared to surprise dad, who, bless his heart, was told he was Italian.

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Dad is yelling. Probably waving his hands around to emphasize his displeasure.

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Maybe there’s a mistake in the results. Perhaps, Italians don’t always come from Italy.

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There are many other lovely ethnicities with which to identify.

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Uncle apparently saw an “in” to make the announcement.

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Christine’s house stands divided.

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Many changes will be made.

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Hopefully, after the shock wears off, Christine’s family will come together and celebrate their new found heritage with the wonderful cheeses and chocolates of Switzerland.