Categories: Dogs, Heartwarming, Inspirational, Love
Tags: dog rescue, pets, tribute

Any pet owner knows the heartbreak of losing your best furry friend. Our pets are often so much more than just animals; they’re companions and best friends. They know us inside-out, and they love us unconditionally.

So when one man, Missouri firefighter Gregg Favre, wrote an emotional tribute to his 11-year-old dog Bella after she passed, people were really moved. His pain is both relatable and heartbreaking.

Gregg wrote that he rescued Bella 11 years ago at a St. Louis firehouse. Over the next decade, they were “inseparable.”

“We could communicate with glances and head nods. My wife would joke that it felt like we were ganging up on her,” Gregg wrote on Twitter.

Over the years, Bella and Gregg have taken thousands of walks together. They were a constant presence in one another’s lives.

“As life came crashing against our door –grad school, promotions, loss, injury & sickness– our routine stayed the same. She was always grounding. Always loyal.”

“My point to all of this is that love & loss go hand in hand,” Gregg continued. “Bella & I made the most of our time & I hope that in your life, you are cultivating your own brand of joy.”

Bella passed away in Gregg’s arms after battling with cancer.

“Since her diagnosis 4 months ago, I’ve said this poem to Bella on every walk we’ve taken,” he captioned one video (I’m not going to spoil the poem – just watch the video above).

“As I held her last night, before she slipped away, I told her once more, ‘heart to chest.’ Goodbye my friend.”

Cue ugly tears!