Heidi Johnson, a single mother of a 13-year-old, had had enough. Her son was rebelling against her “rules”, explaining that he was an independent person. It’s a classic argument between parents and kids – the (definitely not grown) offspring start to feel they’re grown up and should be treated as such.
But this mom turned the tables to show him just want being an “adult” is all about.
How did her son react?
After posting this on Facebook, she noticed the note went viral after receiving several comments and messages. She clarified what happened and wasn’t put off by what online bullying came her way (of course, it’s the internet!). In fact, the lesson worked and her son started earning his things back.
And listed her expectations for her son.
In the end, this turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
“ And, you know what… this hasn’t hurt our relationship. He and I still talk as openly as ever. He has apologized multiple times. He even removed some luxuries from his room that I missed. And… he is trying harder. Just because he is doing things better doesn’t mean he gets everything back in one grandeur leap of faith; he earns a little back at a time.”