Categories: Dogs
Tags: animals, dogs, instagram, social media

Think posting pics of your precious pooch is pleasant? You are not alone. Lots of dog owners enjoy the same pastime of both posting and seeing other’s cute pups.

So, not long ago, online voucher code company decided to create a list of the dog breeds that are posted the most on Instagram. Their method was to tally up totals from different hashtags, like #frenchiesofinstagram, and then bring us this uber-cute list of the most sweetest, smoochiest, suchagoodboy, icouldjustkissyou doggies of Instagram.

In order of popularity, a top-ten list.

1. French Bulldog with 39.2 million posts

Photo Credit: Instagram

2. Pug with 29.3 million posts

Photo Credit: Instagram

3. Chihuahua with 27.6 million posts

Photo Credit: Instagram

4. English Bulldog with 24.6 million posts

Photo Credit: Instagram

5. Labrador Retriever with 19.1 millions posts

Photo Credit: Instagram

6. Golden Retriever with 18.6 million posts

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7. Siberian Husky with 17.8 million posts

Photo Credit: Instagram

8. Dachshund with 17.1 million posts

Photo Credit: Instagram

9. Pomeranian with 15.5 million posts

Photo Credit: Instagram

10. Yorkshire Terrier with 14.8 million posts

Photo Credit: Instagram

Did your dog make the top ten?